M Elise Marubbio and Eric L. Buffalohead. 2013. Native Americans On Film: Conversations, Teaching and Theory (Louisville: University Press of Kentucky).
(including the chapter "Video as Community Ally and Dakota Sense of Place: An Interview with Mona Smith" by Jennifer A. Machiorlatti)
Catalogue produced as a part of Ingrid's artist's residency at the Visual Artists in Rural Communities (www.varc.org.uk) based in Tarset, Northumberland.
eds. Koerts, Dineke and Smith, Phil 2013. Conference Proceedings of the 3rd International Research Forum on Guided Tours 4-6 April 2013, The Netherlands (Breda: NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences).
(including the chapter "Old Voices, New Platforms: Community as Mobile Guide" by David Smith)